Monday, December 8, 2008

Glossary of Terms

Precision Teaching Terminology

Here's a glossary of Precision Teaching Terms. Enjoy!

Counts per minute: This statement refers to the frequency of a behavior.

Dead Man’s Rule: A rule used by precision teachers to determine if a behavior is measurable. The dead mans test indicates, “If a dead man can do it, then don’t try to teach it.”

Functional Behavior Analysis: Functional behavior analysis focuses on setting events, antecedents, and consequences to holistically assess and modify behavior.

Movements: Behaviors that are measurable, physical, and objective. Movements can be assessed independently or by their outcomes.

Operant Conditioning: Concerns the connection between environmental stimuli and the alteration of target behaviors. Environmental stimuli may be classified as an antecedent or a consequence.

Precision Teaching: A teaching method that pairs the principles of operant conditioning with count per minute procedures. Precision teaching employs frequent systematic measures to assess daily progress.

SAFMEDS: SAFMEDS is an acronym for Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffled. SAFMEDS is comprised of cards containing text printed on both sides.
Standard Celeration Chart: A logarithmic recording procedure used to monitor student progress and collect data that allows teachers to increase student performance through curriculum modification.

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