Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another Walkthrough 2

Building Interior

I have four rooms completely furnished and 2 levels of the school building roughly modeled for the program that I am working on. Enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Environment Scene 2

Here's another video of the environment.

Precision Teaching & Technology

3d Program

Currently I am designing a software program that provides social skill instruction within an artificial environment. This environment has been simplified to assist student comprehension. I just acquired an awesome program containing a special plug-in that will allow me to create lines around each of the objects within the environment. This method is called cell shading. Cell shading has been used in electronic media to make computer graphics appear hand drawn. This should make the objects easier to recognize. Precision teaching and logarithmic charts can be used to monitor the progress of students utilizing this digital media. The program targets specific communication skills employed in everyday settings. The program is a simulation of these environments and scenarios. This program also uses research based strategies to assist in skill acquisition. I have uploaded a video of the artificial environment. I have not used the graphics plug in to further define objects within the environment so things may be difficult to make out at times. Enjoy!

Glossary of Terms

Precision Teaching Terminology

Here's a glossary of Precision Teaching Terms. Enjoy!

Counts per minute: This statement refers to the frequency of a behavior.

Dead Man’s Rule: A rule used by precision teachers to determine if a behavior is measurable. The dead mans test indicates, “If a dead man can do it, then don’t try to teach it.”

Functional Behavior Analysis: Functional behavior analysis focuses on setting events, antecedents, and consequences to holistically assess and modify behavior.

Movements: Behaviors that are measurable, physical, and objective. Movements can be assessed independently or by their outcomes.

Operant Conditioning: Concerns the connection between environmental stimuli and the alteration of target behaviors. Environmental stimuli may be classified as an antecedent or a consequence.

Precision Teaching: A teaching method that pairs the principles of operant conditioning with count per minute procedures. Precision teaching employs frequent systematic measures to assess daily progress.

SAFMEDS: SAFMEDS is an acronym for Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffled. SAFMEDS is comprised of cards containing text printed on both sides.
Standard Celeration Chart: A logarithmic recording procedure used to monitor student progress and collect data that allows teachers to increase student performance through curriculum modification.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Free Standard Celeration Chart

Standard Celeration Chart

Here's a standard celeration chart for use. This chart was developed in adobe illustrator. You may download the chart by right clicking the image and downloading the target bitmap file.


Instructional Methods

Section 3: Instructional Methods

Standard Celeration Chart

The Standard Celeration Chart is the logarithmic recording method used to document student progress by some precision teachers. The function of this chart is to supply teachers with data regarding student progress that allows them to modify the curriculum to increase learning and performance.


SAFMEDS is an acronym for Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffled. SAFMEDS is comprised of cards containing text printed on both sides. SAFMEDS are projected to assist in the promotion of fluency in basic concepts, and definitions. The intention of SAFMEDS is to make the acquisition of extensive information less problematic. SAFMEDS are made by printing a term on one side of a card and the term on the other. The student must learn to identify all terms in one minute. Students may examine the cards prior to a timed trial.

Areas of Application
